Brock & Sophia - June 2023

A Fresh Take on a Shakespeare Classic. "You'll find yourself more than just a walk-on. You'll be a part of everything that happens." Read Gary Smith's preview of Hamlet in The Hamilton Spectator.
Read about the play in this recent Hamilton Spectator article:
"Talking with Peter, Peter and John is like speaking with three disciples of the theatre.
Each has a story to tell. Each is bound up with a theatrical project that defies easy categorization. Each insists Padre Pio, the new musical they are presenting, isn't solely a religious experience..."
Read More.
Read the review of Padre Pio in The View
"Be charmed and entertained by a fine gem of a show" Read More.
"Eric Luvisotto’s Padre Pio is fantastic" according to the review by Aha Blume in Monkeybiz
"Escape the winter blahs by attending the engaging and original Padre Pio..." Read More
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"With theatre we express reality not as we experience it, but as we believe it to be true."